/* FMP-IWPErr.js (c) Copyright 1999 FileMaker, Inc. All rights reserved. Modification History: 3/5/99 KJJ Created. */ /* Err Object Definition */ function display_error() { alert(this.title + this.cn + this.cr2 + this.mssg); if ( location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.fmres) > -1 ) { if ( this.where == "" ) history.back(); else { if ( this.where != "stop" ) { this.where = this.local(this.where); window.location = this.where; } } } else history.back(); } function insert_lang(str) { var result = ""; if ( str.indexOf(this.delim) > -1 ) { segments = str.split(this.delim); if ( segments[0] != "" ) result = segments[0]; result += this.getlang() + segments[1] + this.getstyle() + segments[2]; } else result = str; return result; } function get_lang() { if ( this.lang == null ) this.lang = this.vformat.substring(0,1); return this.lang; } function get_style() { if ( this.style == null ) { this.style = this.dot; if ( this.vformat.indexOf(this.css) != -1 ) this.style = this.css; if ( this.vformat.indexOf(this.txt) != -1 ) this.style = this.txt; } return this.style; } function IWPErr() { this.display = display_error; this.local = insert_lang; this.getlang = get_lang; this.getstyle = get_style; this.english = "Z"; this.eFormat = "-format="; this.where = ""; this.delim = "~"; this.fmres = "/fmres/"; this.cr2 = "\r\r"; this.cn = ":"; this.css = "css."; this.txt = "txt."; this.dot = "."; this.amp = "&"; this.title = "Unexpected Error"; this.mssg = "Unable to process your request because the server encountered an\n" + "unexpected condition. For more detail on error number \"[FMP-CurrentError]\",\n" + "refer to the FileMaker Help topic \"Status (CurrentError)\" and\n" + "contact your site administrator."; } /* Create Objects */ err = new IWPErr();